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Tuesday, February 28, 2006
8:35 PM
Something about Choir:
Firstly, as i suspected, i am NOT selected to sing in the Disney Medley.
And because of that, i'm having some mixed feelings now.
I mean, almost all of Sop is in it (i think), and there are even sec 2s in it.
I just want to know, WHAT THE HELL does that imply?
Is it that i am such a LOUSY singer that i cannot even compare with my juniors?
Or am i that slack that Choir loathes me?
Ok, i'm not saying that i want to get into the Medley (serious, i ABSOLUTELY don't want to get in. Getting in means extra pracs, and commitment to Choir, and anyone who knows me knows that me+choir=no solution. Really, i mean it.)
But do you know that i am a person of ABSOLUTELY low self-esteem?
I can't take these sort of blows.
For the 3 1/2 years i have been in choir (and like an idiot came for almost all the practices, only missing, like, what, 2 or 3 (or 4) practices? (albeit hating every minute of it)) and i had NEVER, let me repeat, NEVER once got into the room orientation.
I mean come on, i spent so many hours closed up in some shit hole doing some shit thing for like 4-5 shit hours and i do not even get what, 1 time of some sort of recognition?
I mean, then what's the damn use of staying on in this SHIT cca?
I don't need the points, and i most certainly do not need to take this SHIT anymore. I can jolly well pon every single practice and not feel a tinge of guilt.
What the hell, its like i went through the 3 years for god knows what?
I seriously don't know.
One consolation is that handover is this year. FINALLY.
And also, i've got some "Bitching on Choir" buds, and we just bitch on choir (like duh).
Just a few more months.
My apologies, i sometimes let my rather vulgar side seep through when i'm emotional.
If you think this is bad, you should ask Yunxuan or Yingyu or someone who had seen my *locked* diary-x last year, but i would really like to erase everything i said (or typed) then, i was REALLY immature, sorry for any feelings hurt (even if you haven't read it and have no idea about what i wrote.)
Let' start on a clean slate, shall we?
But i still, nonetheless LOATHE choir.
Monday, February 27, 2006
6:17 PM
Hi :)
Spent the whole of PCCG doing the short-term and Long-term goal thing.
Ever had one of those days where you think about your future?
I'm having one of those days.
Remember i had one of them too last year? When i said that i aspired to be a nun? Yar that.
Then i mentioned that i wanted to be a writer-cum-illustrator right? Haha. Feeling all fuzzy and nostalgic now. *sob, snorfle, sob* I want Diary-x back!
Yar, well, coming back to what i just said (or typed).
Today Yingyu and her best buddy *wink wink* were talking about quitting DHP and hopping on some bandwagon. Yup, and i started thinking about my future. *gasps*
I mean, don't you think it's kinda wasteful to just quit. Ok, you do have your various reasons and all that, and to tell you the truth, i think we, the Pioneer Batch are quite loser-ish. As in, the lower sec (or years, whatever) are settling down already and we are like stuck in this..this limbo-ish place, you know?
Haha, never mind.
Anyway, i was thinking maybe joining this IP as a guinea pig is not going to do wonders to my future as a high-flying career-woman. *gags*
Then again, heck lar.
Maybe i'm going to end up as some reclusive comicbook writer (i swear, that was my ambition during my carefree primary school days), or some Nobel Prize Laureatte (i really don't know how to spell this word, but hey, i'm no spelling-bee champ) for writing some critically acclaimed tome (i wish), or maybe, really, i'll end up a nun with 2 adopted kids, Maddock and Juliet (or whatever).
But now, i'll just go back to sleep... *snore snore*
this, from a girl aspiring to be a nun.
ok, my mum is distrupting my computer time to continue with her very important game of Neopets. Sorry mum! My future is nowhere as important as getting a diamond account in the game!
Sunday, February 26, 2006
3:21 PM
Hello, just recovered from a freak accident where i forgot my login username.
LOL. That is quite gay.
Anyway, there's the freaking maths test tomorrow!!
and i haven't studied.
Ain't i hardworking?
Plus my group hasn't finished the Chinese ZhangAiling cum Shen Congwen thing yet. Wow.
We REALLY had lots of FUN doing it.
Upon searching for some interesting Zhang Ailing facts, we found some webbie so named :yong2 yuan3 de4 zhang1 ai4 ling2. Those people really worship her eh?
All hail the Great writer. All hail our Queen
I better stop now or i'll get bashed up by the WHOLE Chinese community.
I'm currently listening to Sun Wu Kong by Mayday.
Ok, there's nothing much to say today. Guess i'll wait till Thursday or Friday (guess why.).
Bye, Ciao, Tata.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
12:59 PM
Hi, just came back from visiting my old blog.
HMMMM. Please convince me that an alien took over my body that day. PLEASE.
I mean, what sensible sec 2 girl will post that?
Obviusly not your truely. (i hope!)
oh well, whatever!
12:03 PM
Well, i've always tried to create a blog, but failed miserably, and today, here i am sucking on a lolly while typing this out. Must be some Freak stroke of luck that got me here.
Hmm. actually i do have a sort of blog that i created 2 years ago, in the computer lab one day.
it sucks acttually.
To tell you the truth i never wanted to create a blog (oh well) but since Diary-x is down with some crashed server (whoever donates more that $25 gets a free goody bag!! Hurry!!) and i want to kill time, so, why not??
i just realised that blogger is more user friendly than diary-x, but diary-x can be locked?? Haha, looks like i can't have my cake AND eat it. Oh well, im overweight anyway, i should cut down on cakes.
Whatever. =DC O L O U R S !!!Yup, another good point.
And spell-check too!!
Ok, i know im acting like a total idiot. Fine.
BUT, there are bad points about not having a locked diary.
- No racist comments (not that i post them, REALLY!!)
- No malicious slandering of people. (but i am an absolute angel! Swear!)
- No posting of gossips (and i do not gossip that often, i think)
Yup, thats about all.
About me!
I am __________,
born on the sixthofDecember.
Sixteen. Sarcastic.
Integrated Program(mer) of __________.
loves ♥
Dark Chocolate!
Birthdays, Christmas, Holidays!
And Sushi sometimes.
Oh, and school. I love school.
...are unlimited.
Resources are limited
This leads to scarcity
But still,
more stuff would be nice.
I am invisible;
you are invisible;
we are invisible!
No, I am not emo.
Hi, Oink is currently at Gold Coast, Australia.
The Dogdays of summer (technically though, it's not yet summer) are getting too hot for him.
Hasta la Vista. He will be back.