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Friday, May 26, 2006
9:07 PM
Ohkay, so I changed my skin again.
It's not 'Eye
Candy' anymore, but its still cute right?
What is wrong with us?
First it was over some language thing, now its over food.
Get over it.
Okay, i hereby apologise for any unhappiness caused by the 'eye candy' thing.
In the last post, I never meant to
niao anyone, really.
It was, as mentioned,
good, clean fun.
Anyway, on a happier note (c#), this skin is really cute, huh?
Fine, so it isn't a turtle but more of a tortoise standing by the bay, but heyit doesn't hurt to stretch your imagination, right?
So, the June Holidays are here...
Now what?
I swear, I'm either going to drown under the workload or die trying to get out of it.
I counted, there were, in total, 28 homework(s??), if you count file pack in, and tests, and VIVA.
Speaking (or rather, typing) of VIVA, even though it is a word starting with the letter 'V', is not all fun and great.
My topic(s), the week 4 ones, are the WORST (besides the zuo4 wen2 one, tao2 bin1 yi4)-- magnetism, which includes
electromagnetism, of which I know zilch about, electricity (FUN), and heat.
There are only 2 ways I will pass physics VIVA.
That is, to know the questions beforehand, OR, to force Mr Lim at knifepoint to give me the marks.
Yes, easy-peasy.
Quoting from Mrs Bok,
"Students are very lively people"
I suspect that the teachers are trying to change the way we are.
Look at the workload they have given us!
And also, the translation of websites really suck.
Worse, we are not getting paid. (Duh, since we were doing on Ritz Carlton, not Tee Yi Jia, they are too posh to care about us)
All guestrooms and suites at The Ritz-Carlton, Millenia Singapore boast raised
beds for spectacular views, large marble bathrooms with octagonal shaped windows
featuring panoramic views of the city or the sea, luxurious bath amenities and
plush terry bathrobes, walk-in wardrobes, private room safes, remote controlled
multi-channel television with in-house movies, bedside alarm clock, refreshment
bar, multi-lingual voicemail, Guestnet providing email and broadband high speed
internet access.
Now, how do you translate that?
It's back to homework cramming 24/7.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
9:04 PM
I have a bad cold.
I have a bad case of PMS.
Stay away from me.
Tomorrow is going to suck.
Vivien the Prophet prophecises.
I've been slogging my guts out (literally, haha) and I don't even get to witness the milestone of my whole life in choir?
Who was the
nincompoop person who suggested to postpone the date!
I really want to go for handover.The above extract, sarcastic as it seems, came from the bottom of the blogger's heart.
Oh, and about the blogskin, I know it looks pretty wierd, the format and all that, but this is what I call
SERIOUS EYE CANDY.No, I'm not taking the mickey out of you, Huiqi, I'm just showing the world what you mean by the 2 simple words
I bet
you don't know that the
EYE CANDY on her blog actually refered to the delicious sweets and chocolates she has stashed under her desk, right?
And yes, she has a crush on them.
In fact, she just confessed to me that she feels turned on by the sweets and chocolates.
And no,
NOT a Boy, as
YOU wrongly speculate.
Oh, and someone please inform this certain Testosterone-overdriven, Ego-stuffed, Sesame-brained imbecile to STOP THINKING THAT THE WORLD REVOLVES AROUND HIM/HER ( for the matter), AND TO STOP TRYING SO HARD (cos its NOT WORKING). SHOO.
huiqi, if you feel pissed by the entry, just tell me. :S
I feel better.
Monday, May 22, 2006
4:46 PM
Today was a Horribly Disgusting Day.
I started the day swallowing a pill for my *sniff* cold.
Then, during the first period, LA lecture, I came to a horrible realisation that my CA marks were Horrendous.
I mean, I got a B for almost all my subjects, besides Bio, Maths,
Physics and
Geog, of which 2 of them were C.
HATE geography!
I got 59!
What the hell.
Friday, May 19, 2006
6:06 PM
What the hell.
Do you think you are so important to us?
That without you we cannot go one?
Please, stop acting as if you are some high-and-mighty person.
That we are so hard up that we need to grab your bloody attention.
That you are so big and important that we cannot afford to lose you.
That we will beg you and kowtow to you, to let us get into your effing good books.
Sorry, we don't ned to get into your so-called 'good books'.
Who cares?
Don't think that just because you are some 'head', you are our favourite, 'cos please, if you don't even respect us, how can you expect us to respect you?
I mean, take a look at yourself.
Always making fun of the others, imitating them.
Do you think you are so effing hilarious?
Sorry, you are NOT.
Do you even realise that you are making a complete fool of yourself?
You are always trying to act as if you are so deep and knowledgeable in front of us, but actually, you are just a load of bull.
You do not even show respect to your equals, you think you are the BEST.
For your information, WE despise you.
You are so rude.
We have asked you about that thing for about 3 times, and what do you do?
You ignore us, then expect us to come begging for your attention, to ask you once again to spare us a few measly minutes.
Seriously, do you think we need you so much?
I mean, you won't even look good on a camera, seriously speaking.
The only reason we wanted your time was because you were so effing good at crapping, bulling.
But now?
We have tolerated you for I-don't-know-how-many bloody times.
We do NOT want to care anymore.
The ocean is full of fish, we do NOT need to settle for a guppy when there are bigger, better ones.
I mean, if you were so great, you would at least be able to pronounce better?
And at least you would respect yourself?
We have decided to boycott you.
Condemn you.
Crawl back to the hole you came from, and go find your little favourites, we DO NOT CARE.
Oh, the DHS dolls are adorable.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
9:04 PM
Oh man it is so bliddy hot.
I just finished half of the "On Seeing England for the First Time".
There are no words to describe how frustrated and frazzled I am, I think I killed about 20 million brain cells writing out the two and a half sides.
Anyway, the 'essay' we were given was approximately half of the whole essay Mdm Kincaid (um) wrote.
I bet if we were given the whole essay we could crap up (oops, write out, I mean) one whole page of extra stuff.
CA horror
I really cannot take it.
I bet half the cohort of DHS teachers are biased!
Or mentally unsound.
Or extremely wicked.
OR, part of the World-Wide Conspiracy the Bring the World Down.
Maybe it is a plot, a dastardly plot to condemn education, to pull out the very roots of the System, to poison the minds of the Youth!
Beware, these teachers are part of the Global Network, aiming to dominate the World!
They want to sow the seeds of discord, to bring the schools down with their cunningly plotted schemes!
They PURPOSELY show favouritism, to stir up envy, so that we, the innocent, kind-hearted students would mutate in to
green-eyed, backstabbing monsters!
We would be their weapons of mass destruction, bringing war to all nations.
Heed my Warning!
We must stand together, and bring the Evil-doers down!
We MUST retaliate!
I'm going kuku.
Honestly, they are just biased.
Or extremely blind.
No, just biased.
At the rate they are going, I'm going to end up jobless if I do manage to even get into U.
Oh, no, my laptop no more power!
I better hurry.
Before i go, a sneak peek of something hot.

Ok, I'm outta here.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
8:48 PM
I am totally bored out of my wits.
I just realised that there is a ton of homework waiting to be done.
aka "On seeing England for the first time".
Trust me, it's murder.
Oh, I was searching about Dao Lang, for fun (duh, of course for fun, it's obviously
NOT for CSP), and a porn site popped out.
Shit, my com is going to be bombarded with viruses again.
Nooooooooooooooooooooooo.Still mourning for -mmhmm.
Friday, May 12, 2006
7:21 PM
CSP sucks.
Let's all have one minute of silence for Yunxuan's blog.
It has officially ended its short but glorious life, let us pray for its peaceful ascent into blog Heaven/Elysium/Oblivion/Place of no suffering/_________(fill in the blank according to your beliefs).
Amithaba/God bless/________(fill in the blank according to your beliefs).

There, there, stop crying, Yunxuan.
*passes tissue paper to Yunxuan*
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
6:36 PM
The juniors are camping.The Sec 1s are camping in school. Cool beans! o_OThe sec 2s are camping at Sarimbun, under the stars (under the sandflies, under the milo pool which is the sewage). LUCKY.The sec 3s are camping in some jungle/forest/woodland/torture chamber in M'sia. Under the stars too, and also sandflies, leeches and mud (x10 of those at Sarimbun). BUT, I REALLY think it's quite fun leh. Really! Serious! I'm not trying to be sarcastic or anything. Oh, I'm a high I and a high S, which is pretty contradictory.I'm supposedly enthusiasis, but i do lack enthusiasm.I like to be the centre of attention (NOT!), and I'm a really good listener. (Well, i don't know if you think this is contradictory, but i think it is.)Oh, and i am a people-person, and i am perfect for being a counseler.Please, feel free to consult me on any problems you have.I'm sure i can be of GREAT help.Honestly, the 20 dollars would have been thoroughly wasted if not for the psychoanalysis (or whatever), which wasn't even accurate.Okay, i know i'm like 1 day late for everything, and the report does say i need to manage my time better. o_oOh, and today, during interaction period, we were supposed to write this letter to our mothers/mums/mas/mummies/moms/mommies/mamas/ahbus/mees (etc.).Okay, call me insensitive, but i really didn't know what to write.I mean, well... ...So, anyway, my letter read:Dear mother =D/ma :DThe whole school had to write letters to their mothers so I'm writing also, to wish you HAPPY MOTHERS' DAY!!!Thank you. Happy mother's Day!From your daughter, vivien.And there were the usual little scribbles.
Not very touching, huh?
But hey, at least i tried?
Oh, and there was some sort of a mass hysteria, mostly in the second row.
It was like some sort of manifestation.
I was not included though.
Oh, and LA sucked.
That Ms Something-or-another, that 4I teacher, she was..how do we put it,... ...
To tell you the tooth (ok, so this joke's wearing thin), she was mildly annoying.
Fine, i'm not fit to insult anyone. SORRY.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
1:37 PM
PAP won for the Pasir-ris-Punggol GRC.
To think SDA tried to win the people over by giving out fortune cookies.
This morning, i was traumatised by something in my parents' bathroom's toilet bowl.
me: *lying in bed, snoozing*
sister: Quick, come and see what's in the toilet bowl!
me: *mumbles* What?
sister: QUICK!
me: -_-
me: walks to toilet.
me: peers close to the toilet bowl (i wasn't wearing specs k?), expecting to see some dead bug.
me: o_O
sister: Why is that thing inside?
me: *shrugs* Um, dunno.
me: hurries out of toilet.
These sort of stuff should be disposed of discreetly.
Still, world peace.
Friday, May 05, 2006
7:12 PM
Whatever, it's not even entertaining anymore.
All the World Peace posts are starting to wear real thin, so, I've decided to wash my hands off trying to be the Peace Mission Administrator (whatever), and just watch from the battle sidelines.
Yup. But its getting boring, and I'm sure it has peaked.
Or maybe it's jut getting started.
Oh, and today, we went to Xueling's house for combined.
But really, what's the deal with the omg-we're-practising-for-handover-no-one-must-know thing?
Oh well, one can never comprehend the things
the ones above arrange.
Anyway, we were singing ******* ** ****, and ****** ** **** (secret! Don't ask me!), but actually
we were slacking and basically goofing around (psst, don't tell!).
I would actually prefer singing May It Be (oh no! I told everyone that we are not going to sing that song! Now the probabilty of guessing the songs right would be greater!), since it was
THE FIRST SONG the puny sec 1s of 2003 learnt.
I really like that song. *sob*
Ahh, the good ole' days.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
5:03 PM
Oh, and i read the offending post.
Um. No comments, but really, if 4H people don't care, she shouldn't care too, yar.
Cos now she's being slammed.
No comments.
4:10 PM
Wrath set my hair bristling in my helmet.
Standing by the rails see the drizzling rain has ceased,
Raising my eyes to the skies I shout in my vigorous aspiration.
At the age of thirty fame and heroic deeds are nothing but earth and dust.
With clouds or the moon,
my battle fields have covered eight thousand li long.
Do not tarry,
The hair of young men might grow white with deep regret.
The shame heaped on us in the year of Jing Kang is not yet wiped away.
When will the sorrows of the Emperor's subjects come to an end?
O let us ride on war chariots through to the Ho Lan Pass.
Our ambitions are to drive away foreign invaders,
while talking and laughing let them shed blood.
O let's start afresh,
To recover our dear rivers and mountains,
Then we will pay our tribute to Heaven.
by Yue Fei (no kidding).
Don't you feel the rush of adrenaline surge through your body? WOW.
Enough about the *toot*-y blog slamming.
It's boring.
so what if i didnt type in caps and badly is the english words that are typing?
Just stop making a big fuss over it.
Stop playing the victim , although i can't seem to make out who exactly are the ones victimizing themselves.
But still, WORLD PEACE!
A Water Tune (Shui diao ge tou)
Su Shi (1037-1101 AD)
Since when did the bright Moon appear?
I asked Heaven with wine in hand,
Not knowing in the Heavenly Palace
Which year it is this evening.
I wish to fly there with the wind
But fear that the chill of the jade buildings
Will be more than I can endure.
Dancing alone in the moon-lit shadows
How desirable is this mortal land!
It follows the corner of the lacquered pavilion,
Lowers onto the embroidered interior, and
Shines on one who cannot sleep.
Let us not be bitter that
The moon is always full at times of leaving.
Friends must depart; the full moon must wane,
Nothing is perfect forever.
I hope we live long
To enjoy the moon together though a thousand miles apart.
Waxing lyrical.
Um.. World peace. V
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
8:56 PM
The E and I guy was rude.
Who does he think he is?
I rather listen to the other teacher than to that laser person.
No respect for us.
Hey, i blogged!
I passed 2.4 barely.